WordJack Media

(877) 877-1306

A digital marketing agency for local businesses

WordJack Media

(877) 877-1306

A digital marketing agency for local businesses

I found a negative review of my business online. What can I do?

Posted: Sep 12, 2011
Author: WordJack Media

Don't view the potential for a negative review as a reason not to solicit reviews.  This client’s honesty can help you find and correct problems.  Use the opportunity to take their feedback and make improvements in your operation.  We all have things we can improve.  This customer is helping you to do that.

Negative reviews have a dual impact on your online reputation.  Obviously the review itself is the first part.  How you handle the negative review can have a much bigger impact than getting the negative review in the first place.  Ignoring negative reviews may hurt your reputation further.  However, fixing a problem can turn a negative review into a positive one.  Here are some useful tips:

  • Take a real look at your operation and this customer’s complaints.  Make improvements to your processes (if needed), and try to make it right. 
  • There could be a real opportunity to turn the reviewer into a repeat customer. You could refund the client’s money or offer a replacement product. Some businesses have found success in messaging the customer to apologize and send a certificate for a free service.  Do whatever is appropriate to correct the situation and make the customer happy.  Many times the customer will update the review with a comment about the action you took to correct the problem.  This shows that you care about your customers’ experience. 
  • Remember that if you are responding publicly on the review-site, your audience is not just the person who wrote the review - it's everyone who will see that review in the future! So use this as a way to demonstrate "how your business treats its customers."

Remember, despite how bad a negative review might seem, most readers know when someone is complaining and is just difficult to please. A well-considered reply to a negative review is one of the greatest things you can do for your online reputation.

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