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WordJack Media

(877) 877-1306

A digital marketing agency for local businesses

How to Improve Your Small Business’ Digital Strategy

How to Improve Your Small Business’ Digital Strategy

Posted: Sep 30, 2012
Author: WordJack Media

As a small business owner, you might have a "digital strategy" without even knowing it. Do you send emails to your customers? Do you have a company website? Do you offer electronic invoicing? Then guess what? You have a digital strategy! So how can you improve this strategy, along with your overall internet marketing process?

While most companies have some sort of digital strategy, less than 10% have one that is “highly evolved,” meaning they are not taking full advantage of all that internet marketing has to offer.

Now, you might feel a strong sense of inferiority, thanks to the internet marketing giants out there, like Adobe, Microsoft, and eBay. You shouldn’t feel that way—no matter how hard you try, the fact is that you are not going to become Amazon.com overnight. In fact, as a small company, you will probably never get the amount of digital prestige that Amazon has. But that doesn’t mean you can’t be the best digitally marketed plumbing company in central North Carolina, or a page-1 Google search result for wedding reception halls in Jacksonville, Florida.

Here are a few things you can start doing today to get one step closer to having the best digital strategy possible for your business:

1. Improve your blog

Blog well and blog often. Companies that blog average 97% more inbound links than companies that don’t blog. Ideally, you should be posting one article on your blog each day, but if you can’t handle that right off the bat, don’t sweat it. Blog as often as you can’t without having your content suffer. You can still achieve slow and steady growth if you blog once a week.

2. Focus on “long tail” keywords for SEO

If you’re a small company, you don’t have much of a chance to rank on the first page of Google in a search for “attorneys” or “attorneys in Texas” or even “medical malpractice attorneys in Texas,” but you might be able to get a much higher rank on a blog post about how a new law is affecting residents in your town or what a particular statute means to you and your clients. The more specific, the better, and the more likely you are to get hits from search results.

3. Video is king

Your company’s videos don’t have to be produced by Steven Spielberg to be a hit. Put some clips up on YouTube showing how you created your product or how your customers use it, and you’ll be surprised how much it will benefit your internet marketing strategy. People are much more likely to purchase a product or call you to find out more after viewing a video about it.

4. Go social

Frequently post links to your website, blog articles, customer newsletters, and videos on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and any other social network you are a member of.

5. Take advantage of email marketing campaigns

You don’t want to overload your customers’ inboxes, but there’s no reason why you can’t send a compelling message that directs users to a white paper available for download on your website or to new Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn feeds.

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