WordJack Media

(877) 877-1306

A digital marketing agency for local businesses

WordJack Media

(877) 877-1306

A digital marketing agency for local businesses

Help with Marketing: 4 Tips for a Successful E-mail Marketing Campaign

Posted: May 05, 2011
Author: WordJack Media

The trick to a successful e-mail marketing campaign is to ensure that you capture the interest of your prospective customer.  As business owners across the board realize, a successful e-mail marketing campaign can bring a great deal of prospective customers to a business.  There are several tips that will help with marketing to ensure that you are proceeding in the most appropriate manner.

1.  Build your e-mail list.  Building an e-mail list can be accomplished in several ways.  A business owner may wish to place a sign up form on their homepage or offer a white paper or free e-books.  Blogging and social media are also other methods of building an e-mail list as you can give your prospects the opportunity to sign up for newsletters and notifications via e-mail.  Business owners find this one of the fastest ways to help with your marketing efforts.

2.  Do not send unsolicited e-mail messages.  In each e-mail you must give your prospective customer the options to opt out of your e-mails.  This is essential for your reputation.  Which is another top priority on the list.  In order to keep a healthy reputation do not send multiple e-mails per day.  Space them a few days apart as to not aggravate the prospect. Definitely take this marketing tip seriously.  Not following it can damage your business tremendously.

3.  Enter ISPs white listing.  Often times when a business sends multiple emails to an inbox they become blocked by the ISPs, which then send you right into the spam folder/box.  Becoming whitelisted means that your messages will arrive in the inbox of the prospect.

4.  Content.  Make certain that your content captures your prospect in the first paragraph.  It is necessary to have informative and interesting information that leaves the prospect wanting further information.  This is a marketing tip that can help make the difference from a prospective customer becoming a customer to being thrown in the spam folder.

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