WordJack Media

(877) 877-1306

A digital marketing agency for local businesses

WordJack Media

(877) 877-1306

A digital marketing agency for local businesses

Effective Web Marketing - 8 Must-Read Tips

Posted: May 01, 2011
Author: WordJack Media

  1. Refrain from using flash player. Yes, it looks glitzy and glam, but it is a snail to upload; please think about us poor people who do not have super-speedy PC’s! Furthermore, sites with flash player will be penalized by search engines, so leave the jaw-dropping graphics where they belong: in the cinema.
  2. Ensure that your domain name is short and catchy. This is the first rule of thumb that must be applied in the world of web marketing. Remember that people will be typing this domain name into their browsers; they are unlikely to bother if it resembles something as long and off-putting as this: wwww.howamievergoingtorememberthisterriblylongwebaddress.com
  3. Keep your business name in the URL – it is thought that this will assist with search engine rankings. It certainly can’t do any harm and will provide clarity and consistency throughout your site.
  4. Make sure that your website is user-friendly. Ensure that navigation is easy, and that internal linking has been properly conducted; always make sure that secondary pages are linked back to the home page.
  5. Ensure that your site has an RSS feed; it is a low-maintenance way of keeping your visitor’s updated.
  6. Better still, ensure that your site has a blog. A blog is an excellentweb marketing tool; it gives you a golden opportunity to share insightful information about your business with a world wide audience. Your message will be delivered at the touch of a keyboard!
  7. A simple yet oh-so important web marketing tip: pay attention to spelling and grammar! Nothing looks more un-professional than misspelling in web content. If you are trying to promote a product on your site then you need to present yourself as trustworthy and credible – misspelling and bad grammar are not the ways to gain brownie points ...
  8. Optimize your pages. If your website is not being found, it might as well not exist. Scatter your keywords naturally throughout your site, (please note the word ‘naturally’ – overuse of your keywords will make you guilty of keyword stuffing and your site will be penalized by search engines). Research your hot, highly-targeted keywords and make the most of them. It can be time-consuming to optimize your entire site – if you don’t have the time, employ a professional internet marketing firm!


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