Posted: Apr 07, 2013
Author: WordJack Media
If you’re the owner of a small business, odds are good that you have at least partly mastered the art of multi-tasking. One day you might be making calls as a sales person, the next you’re printing flyers for marketing, and the day after that, you’re fixing computers on the IT team. If you’re struggling with all the responsibilities you have, there is a new strategy you need to master: delegation.
Here are 5 tips for delegating the responsibilities of your small business to others, so you don’t get burned out:
1. Delegate easy tasks to another employee - If something doesn’t require a lot of expertise (like addressing envelopes, answering phones, or filling paperwork), hire a part-time or full-time assistant to do them for you. The time savings will make it well worth it.
2. Delegate specialty tasks to outside sources - Hire an accountant to do your taxes, an attorney to do all your legal paperwork, or a web agency like WordJack to help with online marketing.
3. Change your mentality - Many entrepreneurs subscribe to the belief that if they don’t do something themselves, it won’t get done right. You need to let go of this and learn to trust other people. Maybe they won’t get it right the first time, but everyone makes mistakes, and they will learn. You should be able to take a vacation without calling the office every 10 minutes to make sure things are still going smoothly (and you don’t want your employees thinking you don’t trust them—that only leads to more problems).
4. Give your employees clear instructions - How much direction you give your employees depends on their level of expertise. If you hire a kid right out of school, you might need to start from square one, but if you hire someone with a few years of experience in your field, you can probably skip the basics. Just make sure they understand completely what is expected of them and how they are supposed to do it.
5. Listen to your employees - If someone else has an idea about how a task should be delegated or performed, or of a new task that should be added to the list, listen to them and seriously consider implementing it. You never know what great ideas could be out there that will help your company grow.
Delegation skills may not come to you naturally, but it is critical to having a healthy and successful business and personal life.
What tasks do you delegate to others in your business?
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