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(877) 877-1306

A digital marketing agency for local businesses

10 Ways to Revitalize Your Web Marketing Strategy on Twitter

10 Ways to Revitalize Your Web Marketing Strategy on Twitter

Posted: Dec 09, 2012
Author: WordJack Media

One negative aspect of Twitter is that sometimes it can get old pretty fast. If your web marketing strategy on Twitter is getting stale, here are a few tips for how to reinvigorate it:

1. Update your profile picture. Since this picture appears next to each of your tweets, this is a great opportunity to put a fresh image in the minds of your customers. Make sure your picture or logo fits in the allotted space and is clear and legible.

2. Revamp your visual branding. Did you know you can customize the background and colors of your Twitter page? A new look to your profile could be a much-needed breath of fresh air.

3. Edit your bio. Take advantage of this short text description to clearly tell people what you do and how your products or services will make their lives better. Also don’t be afraid to show a little creativity, passion, and personality. 

4. Create a website landing page for Twitter. If you just can’t cram all the info you want into the 160 allowed characters in your bio, consider using that area to link to a special Twitter landing page on your website, where you can use all the space you want to talk about your business and why people should follow you on Twitter.

5. Follow your customers. If someone is talking to you, you should be talking back.

6. Keep the conversation going. Listen to your followers. Read the tweets and respond appropriately. If someone mentions your business, say thank you and re-tweet.

7. Add a Twitter follow button on your blog or website. Advertise your Twitter account on flyers, in your email signature, or on your business cards. Encourage people to follow you.

8. Tweet photos. People are more likely to read your web marketing content if it is accompanied by a photo.

9. Use Twitter to start a new web marketing campaign. Consider offering a Twitter-only special offer to your followers. For example, tweet out a secret code at 11am for a special deal on lunch, or hold a drawing to win a gift card for everyone who re-tweets the link to your latest blog post.

10. Develop a new content strategy. Think of Twitter like you think of your blog—tweet about interesting topics that people will want to read about and share. Go beyond your products and services to include information about your industry in general. Educate your followers about new developments, stories in the news, and any other great conversation topics you can think of. The sky’s the limit!

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